Pedja je napisao:
Jel može megauplaod/megashare nalozi da se dele ili ima nekih ograničenja? Kao što se trenutno ja grebem kod drugara
Pa pazi, njima piše u ToS-u da to nije dozvoljeno (kao što i u RS ToS-u piše), međutim u praksi zatvaraju naloge samo ako nalog deliš sa fazon 5-10 prijatelja, ili, još gore, daš nalog u javnost
I uglavnom više obraćaju pažnju na to kod tih "lifetime" naloga (MU $199, MS $150), a kod ovih na 3 meseca, 6 meseci itd. i ne baš.
Tako da u suštini može slobodno da se deli sa jednim ortakom (po 50% se plati
). Ja čak RS koristim sa ortakom i to istovremeno DL-ujemo nešto sa različitih IP adresa.
Međutim, pošto obojica imamo dinamičke IP adrese, pogledajte kakav e-mail sam dobio prekjuče od Rapidshare-a:
Dear customer 459****,
Based on your download logs, your Premium Account 459**** was shared with other people. This is not allowed.
The following logs show how much a certain IP address has downloaded at a certain date.
28.01.2009: downloaded 158391 KB
28.01.2009: downloaded 595500 KB
28.01.2009: downloaded 8087 KB
28.01.2009: downloaded 4189056 KB
It might also be possible that your account has been hacked and other people were using it as well without your knowledge. Please check the IP addresses above.
To protect us and yourself from hackers, we have changed your password to ********.
Feel free to change your password to something suiting you better.
Please notice that if we detect many different IP addresses in your account in the future, we reserve the right to permanently close your account.
Best regards, - Support
Ovaj e-mail se automatski poslao nakon što je njihov bot detektovao 4 različita IP opsega jedan za drugim. Međutim, obojica imamo isti ISP, i to se jednostavno slučajno desilo.
I sad, nakon mog odgovora njima i objašnjenja, dobio sam sledeći mail:
it is not a problem to use an account at several computers or with different
IP addresses but your account could be blocked if downloads are made from
different IP addresses at the same time if they are not in the same subnet.
-> same IP-Subnet.
-> not the same IP-Subnet.
It is forbidden to share the account with other persons or to post login data
in forums.
With the link "View Logs" in the premium zone you can see how much you have
downloaded on each day and from what IP-address.
If there are IP-addresses listed that you do not know, please change your
password in the premium zone using the link "settings" and make sure that your
computer and email-address are secure so nobody could access your
Best regards,
Support Team
RapidShare AG
Gewerbestrasse 6
6330 Cham
Tel: +41 41 748 78 80
Fax: +41 41 748 78 99
Tako da u suštini i nisu toliko strogi. Eventualno je, pri deljenju naloga s nekim drugim, za svaki slučaj ipak bolje NE downloadovati u isto vreme.
Toliko od mene.