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PostPoslato: 02.02.2007. 00:10:19 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 23.06.2005. 21:01:23
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Lokacija: Novi Beograd
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Izdvojio sam najzanimljivije stvari iz teksta (koji se nalazu najnovime broju SK-a):

1. Dobiti posao u Googleu nije nimalo lako. Svakog meseca u Google pristigne oko 150.000 rezimea, a samo nekoliko najboljih dobija posao u ovoj prestižnoj kompaniji. Ipak, izuzetan rast kompanije doveo je do potrebe za otvaranjem velikog broja radnih mesta tako da u proseku Google dnevno zapošljava devet ljudi.

2. U prvim godinama rada Google je svojim zaposlenima kompenzaciju za relativno male plate nudio dajući im akcije kompanije čija je vrednost, prateći razvoj kompanije, izuzetno brzo porasla tako da su mnogi gotovo preko noći postali milioneri.

3. Rokovi za završetak pojedinih delova projekta, dodeljeni zadaci i obaveze klasičan su deo rada u svakoj softverskoj kompaniji. Međutim, u Googleu se zaposleni neće sresti sa takvim stvarima, niko im neće reći šta moraju da urade, niko ih neće pritiskati raznoraznim tabelama sa unapred zacrtanim rasporedima – većina stvari je prepuštena inicijativi samih inženjera.

4. Najveći uspeh koji programer u Googleu može da postigne jeste da projekat na kojem je radio od početka izađe iz faze razvoja i bude zvanično predstavljen javnosti kao Googleov proizvod. Svi programeri koji su učestvovali u razvoju projekta koji je ugledao svetlost dana dobijaju adekvatne nagrade, što prevedeno u novac predstavlja značajne cifre

5. zaposleni imaju na raspolaganju jedan dan u nedelji da rade na bilo kojoj ideji koja im se učini interesantnom! Koliko je ovaj pristup koristan, govori i činjenica da je dobar deo Googleovih popularnih servisa rođen baš u ovih 20% vremena kada zaposleni prate svoje ideje: Google News, Google Suggest, AdSense for Content...

6. Pogodnosti koje zaposleni imaju su brojne, počevši od onih najsitnijih, kao što je besplatno pranje odeće, preko tri besplatna obroka, pa do obdaništa za decu zaposlenih u krugu kompanije.

Hrana je posebna priča u Googleplexu: može se bez preterivanja reći da briga o ishrani zaposlenih prelazi u opsesiju. O ishrani preko 4000 zaposlenih brine se pet restorana: „Cafe 150”, „Charlie’s Cafe”, „No-Name Cafe”, „Charleston Cafe” i „Pacific Cafe”, uz tendenciju da se ovaj broj poveća.

7. Čitava priča o relaksiranoj atmosferi ide dotle da se zaposlenima dozvoljava da sa sobom dovode i kućne ljubimce. Svim zaposlenima je unutar kompanije obezbeđena medicinska nega, uključujući i zubarsku, a od stresa koji prati posao zaposleni se mogu oslobađati rekreirajući se na razne načine. Neki od ponuđenih načina rekreacije su plivanje u jednom od dva bazena, igranje bilijara, stonog tenisa, odbojke na pesku... Na raspolaganju su čak i profesionalni maseri, koji doduše ne rade besplatno, ali cena njihovih usluga je smanjena subvencijama koje daje Google.

8. Ukoliko imaju problema sa svojim lap-topima ili bilo kojim delom kompjuterske opreme, radnici dobijaju besplatnu popravku u servisu koji radi 24 časa dnevno. I oni koji imaju problema sa svojim automobilima nemaju razloga za brigu – auto-servis unutar kampusa postaraće se da njihovo vozilo do kraja radnog vremena bude u besprekornom stanju. Kako ljudi programere često zamišljaju kao štrebere koji ne vode previše računa o svom izgledu, Google se trudi da taj imidž izmeni, obezbeđujući frizerski salon koji se brine o stajlingu zaposlenih. :D

9. Svakodnevni prevoz zaposlenih iz San Franciska u Mountain View korišćenjem autobusa koje pokreće bio-dizel (eng. biodiesel).

10. Još jedan od aspekata očuvanja životne sredine u kojem Google učestvuje jeste proizvodnja „čiste” električne energije. Naime, Google je angažovao kompaniju El Solutions za instalaciju oko 9000 solarnih panela koji bi trebalo da budu u stanju da proizvedu 1,6 megavata električne energije, što je oko 30% potreba za električnom energijom Googleovog ogranka Mountain View

11. Iako samo retki srećnici imaju privilegiju da rade u kompanijama poput Googlea, ništa nas ne sprečava da iz cele priče izvučemo određene pouke, koje će nas u našim poslovima voditi ka stvaranju boljeg životnog okruženja za sve. Dovoljno je da se setimo da je i Google nastao kao plod entuzijazma dvojice studenata...

"Some will win, some will lose, Some were born to sing the blues" - Journey, "Don' stop believing"

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PostPoslato: 02.02.2007. 01:13:18 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 13.10.2003. 14:04:31
Postovi: 4555
Lokacija: At the poker table
Godina: II
Smer: IS
pa zato su i najbolja kompanija na svetu :)

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But thats not the shape of my heart

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PostPoslato: 02.02.2007. 10:00:48 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 07.09.2006. 21:02:24
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: Port Royal
Godina: Apsolvent
Smer: ME
Ево прекјуче сам издвојио један текст баш о Гуглу, али није радио нет. Баш добро што је отворио Влацке тему о њима.

Can Anything Stop Google? je napisao:
Burlingame, Calif. -

Google is unstoppable. Or at least, that’s the message Wall Street sends via its quarterly projections for the company: Analysts expect that the company will announce today that fourth quarter revenues climbed 70% compared to last year, while earnings grew 88%. For some perspective, note that Google's would-be rival Yahoo! announced earlier this month that quarterly earnings dropped 60%.

The flip side of Google's (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) dominance is that it makes it increasingly difficult for the company to top itself. At some point, Google will find it harder to generate more Internet searches and produce more advertising clicks. And when that happens, look out: Last year investors punished the company when the company merely met its second quarter expectations after its second quarter, dropping the share price 10%.

A recurring boogeyman for Google and the rest of the Internet search business is click fraud. While overall Internet ad spending continues to grow right along with Google’s share of all Internet searches, 49% of U.S. advertisers said they had already cut or planned to cut their spending on pay-per-click advertisements due to ongoing concerns about click fraud, according to a survey released this week by Outsell. In 2007, pay-per-click ads will decrease by 1% as a portion of all U.S. advertisers’ online ad budgets, according to the same survey.

Pay-per-click ads, especially those tied to searches, make up the vast majority of Google’s revenues. The changes in 2007 could be small, but “it's clear that pay-per-click will not continue its trajectory,” says Outsell Vice President Chuck Richard, who thinks this trend could be reflected in Google’s earnings report by a “potential small tap on Google's brakes,”--a slowdown in the company's top-line growth rate.

Another potential stumbling block for Google: The increasing amount of money it hands over to its publisher network, as well as purveyors of its search toolbar like Dell (nasdaq: DELL - news - people ), so it can keep people coming back to Google’s own sites for yet more searching. But even with these efforts, people aren’t spending as much time hanging out at Google as one would imagine. According to Web site traffic comparison company Compete, only 2.1% of all time spent online during the month of December was spent at Google. Meanwhile, Yahoo! (nasdaq: YHOO - news - people ) accounted for 8.5% of Internet time, the company said.

Yet Google has the resources to protect itself from small slowdowns. The company has made investments in social networking sites like News Corp.'s (nyse: NWS - news - people ) MySpace in order to supply them with ads and searches, as well as in Google-owned sites like YouTube. YouTube founder Chad Hurley said last week that his site would soon begin running video ads from Google and will share some of the earnings with the content's creators. That's not a revolutionary concept, but it will reflect a significant change for YouTube, and analysts will want details this afternoon about how the deals will work. They'll also look for more insight into the other ways Google is attempting to diversify its revenue stream, including radio, television and newspaper advertising.

Another source of mild investor angst is the money Google appears to be losing as it ramps up its new online payment system, Google Checkout, a potential competitor of eBay's (nasdaq: EBAY - news - people ) PayPal. The company won’t be taking a cut of each sale for the foreseeable future--it had initially said that it would earn money this way--and gave away $10 or more to each consumer willing to try the new system during the holiday shopping season. If Google manages to convince anyone Wednesday that Checkout is earning its keep by vastly increasing the number of clicks on Checkout-linked ads, all Google-watchers will breathe a bit easier.

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PostPoslato: 02.02.2007. 15:13:43 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 13.07.2005. 10:11:29
Postovi: 3783
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: ME
a ja baš sutra polažem ljudske resurse :)

"If you don’t have the best of everything, make the best of everything you have."

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PostPoslato: 22.02.2007. 10:01:25 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 07.09.2006. 21:02:24
Postovi: 1206
Lokacija: Port Royal
Godina: Apsolvent
Smer: ME
Google's Grainy Video Strategy

Google didn't create the idea of building a great product and then figuring out how to make money from it. That strategy prevailed in the midst of the dot-com boom in the late-1990s.
Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ), on the other hand, is the biggest success story when it comes to putting an idea into practice. The company reigns in Internet search and, if you believe all the tech "futurists," it has Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) quaking in its boots.

We're not about to question the company's ability to continue to thrive in search, but the fact is that Google's well-known business-building strategy has really only worked in one area. Now, it is looking questionable whether it will be able to successfully apply that strategy to YouTube, its biggest acquisition.
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Late last month came a glimpse of how Google was exploring the idea of making YouTube a worthwhile financial contributor. The company has floated the idea of placing ads somewhere in user-generated videos (say, at the start or finish) and sharing that revenue with the creator. It's interesting, but it is also a strategy Google will approach with great care because above all it could kill user interest.

News of Google's acquisition of YouTube had cable companies and movie studios nervous, but the video content site has more recently become something of a pariah. Last week, Viacom (nyse: VIA - news - people )--owner of MTV, Comedy Central and a host of other youth-focused content brands--demanded Google rip all of its clips from the YouTube site. It's a powerful demonstration that content producers aren't going to roll over and let their work be distributed for free or on Google's terms. Jeff Zucker, the new CEO of NBC Universal, a unit of General Electric (nyse: GE - news - people ), blasted YouTube for its failure to protect copyrighted content.

When it comes to negotiating licensing fees and ad-sharing revenue, the studios have grown frustrated with Google, which obviously has been pushing to maximize revenue from YouTube. The studios, however, are playing hardball.
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That point was brought home by news that eBay (nasdaq: EBAY - news - people ) is in discussions to supply e-payments and auction tools to MySpace, the News Corp. (nyse: NWS - news - people ) social networking site. Last summer, Google said it would pay $900 million over three years to provide Internet search for MySpace and other News Corp. sites. If Google tries to push its case too hard so that the eBay deal wouldn't be allowed, News Corp. could tighten the screws in negotiations to license News Corp. content to YouTube.

If these quandaries don't have investors convinced that Google has its work cut out for it trying to monetize YouTube, there's this: Vincent Dureau, Google's head of TV technology, said at the Cable Europe Congress this week that the Internet wasn't designed for TV. "Web infrastructure," he said, "and even Google's [infrastructure] doesn't scale. It's not going to offer the quality of service that consumers expect."

Already, a huge share of Web traffic is composed of video sharing done over such services as BitTorrent. As that continues to grow--Joost is set to debut, remember--the Internet could easily break for one simple reason. It's not economically viable for system operators to continue to upgrade networks to handle free bandwidth-hogging content.

Now, there are obviously tremendous opportunities in the business of facilitating online video distribution, as demonstrated by Akamai (nasdaq: AKAM - news - people ), and to a lesser degree by DivX (nasdaq: DIXV - news - people ), VeriSign (nasdaq: VRSN - news - people ) and Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ). Google's statements on this matter, though, squelch a broad assumption in the market that its goal is to become a leading video distributor. In fact, rather than being a threat to "pipeline" owners like cable companies, Google is interested in teaming with them to help customize user viewing over TV networks. In other words, Google wants to be a leader in video search, not in video. The type of partnerships it has hinted at is reminiscent of the thinking behind the agreement between Facebook and Comcast (nasdaq: CMCSA - news - people ).
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Google's comments on this subject have some strategic value, of course. It is in the company's best interests to play up to distributors like cable companies because as a huge bandwidth user, Google has a lot to lose if the "net neutrality" debate goes the wrong way. Even if that is all Google's comments amount to and it doesn't form major deals with cable companies, that sector remains one of the better ways to invest in the growth in online video. Liberty Global (nasdaq: LBTYA - news - people ) in particular is a good buying opportunity here.

The key for these firms remains, however, the amount they have to invest to keep online video and other services humming along. They're showing sound decision making at present, though Comcast's 2007 CapEx budget gave investors the shivers. Longer term, cable companies could be pressured into making poorer decisions.

Telecoms are desperate to grab a share of this market, and as they're less disciplined with their spending, they could eventually gain a technological edge simply by virtue of throwing tons of money at building platforms to distribute content that is mostly free.

It doesn't have to come to that, of course, if content providers like Viacom and amalgamaters like Google can figure out how to make people pay for online video. But until they do, the investment choices here remain limited. Certainly when it comes to Google, YouTube isn't a piece of the puzzle that we'd consider chasing--at least not until Google can show that it can turn that good idea into a worthwhile moneymaker.

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PostPoslato: 23.02.2007. 02:26:04 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 03.10.2004. 20:09:42
Postovi: 1405
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
mene kad bi pozvali sada sigurno bih odbio posao... jeste to super, ali treba imati i znanje ispratiti sve to

Don't mess with me while lizem poklopac od kremica!!!
blog // furka // prodaj i kupi

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PostPoslato: 04.03.2007. 01:46:35 

Pridružio se: 29.04.2002. 10:50:50
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Lokacija: НБГ
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
izvol'te ;) ... swer=59081

Dobijanje posla u ovoj firmi

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PostPoslato: 05.03.2007. 03:30:40 
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Pridružio se: 11.11.2004. 14:34:28
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Godina: Apsolvent
Smer: IS

Tommorow is cancelled due to lack of interest!
O, da mi je da se još jednom zaljubim,
Opet bih uzeo kostim Večnog dečaka,
I opet bih smislio kako da prodangubim
Dok ona ne sleti niz hodnik Studenjaka...

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PostPoslato: 07.05.2007. 23:08:36 

Pridružio se: 29.04.2002. 10:50:50
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Lokacija: НБГ
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Izabran Google konsultant u Srbiji!

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