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PostPoslato: 08.09.2008. 20:03:24 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 30.01.2008. 22:31:30
Postovi: 2742
Lokacija: Gallows
Godina: IV
Smer: IS
Whaaat? Zar to nisu uradili oko 1og? :zbun:

Kad je sudaranje onda? Brate, voleo bih shto pre, ne uchi mi se mata uopshte!

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PostPoslato: 08.09.2008. 20:04:14 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 24.07.2006. 16:33:51
Postovi: 10041
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
A stvarno, jel se zna koje su sanse da uspeju to sto pokusavaju i da li uopste postoje neke realne posledice ili su u pitanju samo nagadjanja pod odredjenim uslovima, kao i cela fizika lol?

There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.

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PostPoslato: 08.09.2008. 20:07:41 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 30.01.2008. 22:31:30
Postovi: 2742
Lokacija: Gallows
Godina: IV
Smer: IS
Samo nagadjanja, jer to nikad nisu probali u praksi, a teoretisali su i previshe :D
Ja bih rekao da je najveca shansa da to ipak uspe, jer CERN nije NASA :lol:
Ako ne uspeju, onda se nece desiti nishta... :(

Mada mogu uvek da se nadam :ajde:

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PostPoslato: 08.09.2008. 20:11:10 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 24.07.2006. 16:33:51
Postovi: 10041
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
I sta ce postici time ako uspeju? Kako ce to dalje biti primenljivo?

There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.

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PostPoslato: 08.09.2008. 20:17:42 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 30.01.2008. 22:31:30
Postovi: 2742
Lokacija: Gallows
Godina: IV
Smer: IS
Pa moci ce detaljnije da prouche nastanak univerzuma. Teshko primenljivo, mora se priznati... :)

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PostPoslato: 08.09.2008. 20:26:24 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 23.06.2002. 10:23:32
Postovi: 3592
Lokacija: Beograd
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
a jel moze neko meni neupucenom onako slikovito da opise o cemu se ovde ustvari radi?
sudaranje cestica, akceleratori, prasak, simulacija, ovo ono ... nista mi tu nije jasno :)


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PostPoslato: 08.09.2008. 20:29:11 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 17.11.2007. 19:12:54
Postovi: 3863
Godina: Apsolvent
Smer: IS
Bio je u jucerasnjim Novostima lep clanak o tome. Citav eksperiment ce se odvijati u 5 faza, od kojih ce poslednja biti tek krajem sledece godine. I tad planiraju da postignu najvecu energiju od 14 TeB-a. A u sredu planiraju da idu "samo" do 5 TeB-a.

A koliko sam razumela, citav eksperiment se izvodi da bi dokazali postojanje jedne cestice za koju se predpostavlja da je glavni uzrok praska i nastanka svih drugih cestica. Bozanska cestica (mislim da se zove Higsov bozon) :)

What is essential is invisible to the eye.

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PostPoslato: 08.09.2008. 20:29:24 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 30.01.2008. 22:31:30
Postovi: 2742
Lokacija: Gallows
Godina: IV
Smer: IS

ukratko :D

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 09:10:03 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 11.09.2005. 01:43:21
Postovi: 9865
Lokacija: Šabac
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Ne radi jbni webcast...

Biće sve okej, problem ne traje dugo...
To je samo loš dan, sutra bolje biće, tu nema ništa drugo.
Život je suviše lep da bismo se borili sa tugom.
Neko je zaista tu za tebe kad si dole, to je puno, puno, puno...

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 09:10:59 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 30.01.2008. 22:31:30
Postovi: 2742
Lokacija: Gallows
Godina: IV
Smer: IS
^ a, pa naravno :) Navalica...

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 09:18:47 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 11.09.2005. 01:43:21
Postovi: 9865
Lokacija: Šabac
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Da li ima neki drugi? Ništa normalno mi google ne izbacuje...

Biće sve okej, problem ne traje dugo...
To je samo loš dan, sutra bolje biće, tu nema ništa drugo.
Život je suviše lep da bismo se borili sa tugom.
Neko je zaista tu za tebe kad si dole, to je puno, puno, puno...

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 09:44:24 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 06.02.2007. 16:07:16
Postovi: 445
Lokacija: Negde u Banatu
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
So far, so good. The 'Big Bang' collider is running and we're still here

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Scientists today "switched on" the most powerful particle accelerator ever built in an attempt to answer some of the biggest unanswered questions in physics.

And the fact that you're reading this proves the doomsayers wrong. The 'collider' is up and running - and there's no giant Black Hole, so far.

Despite some "small electrical problems" overnight, the £5 billion Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was switched on at 8.39am BST after a slight delay. As experiments build, the LHC smash protons - one of the building blocks of matter - into each other at energies up to seven times greater than any achieved before.

In the flashes from the collisions, scientists expect to reproduce conditions that existed during the first billionth of a second after the Big Bang at the birth of the universe.

No-one knows precisely what will come tumbling out of the primordial soup of disintegrating protons.

The LHC could help scientists explain mass, gravity, mysterious "dark matter" and why the universe looks the way it does.

It could also give them the first evidence of extra spatial dimensions, and even create mini-black holes that blink in and out of existence in a fraction of a second.

The LHC, a colossal machine housed in a 27 kilometre (17 mile) tunnel buried under 100 metres of rock, straddles the borders of Switzerland and France between Lake Geneva and the Jura mountains.

Beams of protons will be accelerated in opposite directions through the ring-shaped tunnel, which is supercooled to just 1.9 degrees above absolute zero (minus 271C), the lowest temperature allowed by nature.

Reaching velocities of 99.99 per cent of the speed of light, each beam will pack as much energy as a Eurostar train travelling at 150 kilometres per hour.

The particles will be brought together in four huge "detectors" placed along the ring. Each detector is like a giant microscope, designed to probe deeper into the heart of matter than has ever been possible before.

Concerns have been voiced - in particular by German chemist Professor Otto Rossler - that black holes created by the LHC will grow uncontrollably and "eat the planet from the inside".

But those involved in the project insist they have reviewed all the evidence and concluded that it poses no risk to the universe.

Particle physicist Dr James Gillies, a spokesman for the LHC, said: "We have received a lot of worried calls from people about it.

"There's nothing to worry about, the LHC is absolutely safe, because we have observed nature doing the same things the LHC will do.

"Protons regularly collide in the earth's upper atmosphere without creating black holes.

"What we are looking at is a global community representing 10,000 people working in 500 universities in 80 countries, none of whom has the slightest worry about risks of this kind.

"Then we have a retired German chemist who has never published a paper in this field in his life, who has come up with this theory.

"We are very excited about the project, we hope to learn more about this wonderful universe of ours."

Turning on the LHC is nothing like as simple as flipping a switch.

A chain of smaller accelerators, built for earlier projects, are first used to speed up the proton beams to the point where they can be injected into the machine.

The start of the process is a bottle of hydrogen gas no bigger than a fire extinguisher.

Hydrogen atoms are stripped of their electrons to produce streams of protons that are fed into accelerators of increasing size.

The last link in the chain before the LHC, the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), is itself buried underground and covers a distance of seven kilometres.

Timing between the SPS and the LHC has to be accurate to within a fraction of a nanosecond.

Today's "switch on" will involve transferring a beam from the SPS to the LHC so that it is circulating around the machine in a stable fashion.

After this has been successfully accomplished another beam will be sent spinning in the opposite direction.

The first particle collisions are likely to take place within a few weeks.

In some cases teams of more than 2,000 collaborating scientists will be sifting and analysing data from the machine.

Most will not be at the LHC's operating base at CERN, the European nuclear research organisation, in Geneva.

A revolutionary computer network called the "Grid" - the next step beyond the World Wide Web - will make it possible for scientists all over the world to share huge amounts of processing power and carry out much of the work on their PCs.

The cost of the LHC is mainly shared by CERN's 20 European member states, which include Britain. Six "observer" nations, including the US, Russia and Japan, make significant contributions.

CERN estimates the total cost of the project to be 10 billion Swiss francs, or £5 billion. The material cost alone is put at £2.6 billion.

Britain's direct contribution to the LHC each year is £34 million.[/b]

U državi u kojoj veći deo građana dangubi - ne mogu se rađati značajna dela.
Kad nešto samo po sebi deluje dobro bez zakona, zakoni nisu potrebni.
Svako vidi kako izgledaš,ali ih malo zna ono što jesi.

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 09:58:16 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 10.03.2005. 04:03:40
Postovi: 1129
Lokacija: На првој линији ;)
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Резервисао сам оно мјесто под крушком.

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 11:04:07 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 01.10.2004. 13:34:36
Postovi: 1739
Lokacija: Beograd
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Milex je napisao:
Ne radi jbni webcast...

Ista prica i kod mene... E Srbijo...

N.N. je napisao:
Sa koliko velikom nulom treba pomnožiti beskonačnost da tu beskonačnost svedete na konstantu?

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 11:13:56 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 30.01.2008. 22:31:30
Postovi: 2742
Lokacija: Gallows
Godina: IV
Smer: IS
LALA je napisao:
The 'collider' is up and running - and there's no giant Black Hole, so far.


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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 11:29:23 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 01.10.2004. 13:34:36
Postovi: 1739
Lokacija: Beograd
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Ako nekoga zanima kako je danas bilo

Apsolutno nemam pojma o cemu prica, pola je na francuskom, pola se ne cuje, ali je ocigledno uspesno :)

N.N. je napisao:
Sa koliko velikom nulom treba pomnožiti beskonačnost da tu beskonačnost svedete na konstantu?

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 12:44:19 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 13.11.2001. 08:45:08
Postovi: 4717
Lokacija: Novi Bgd.
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Vidi li ko sličicu na :D

Oni hipotetički kostrukti o kojima se može govoriti kao o konzistentnim i relativno trajnim dinamičkim sistemima koji objašnjavaju veći deo procesa motivacije, obuhvatajući i ciljeve i motive kroz njihove međusobne relacije, čime se mogu uslovno..

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 13:21:10 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 01.10.2004. 13:34:36
Postovi: 1739
Lokacija: Beograd
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Da, da :)

Ima prenos i na drugom mestu ... /index.asp

N.N. je napisao:
Sa koliko velikom nulom treba pomnožiti beskonačnost da tu beskonačnost svedete na konstantu?

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 17:55:28 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 07.07.2005. 02:02:03
Postovi: 1270
Godina: Apsolvent
Smer: OM
j*ebo nauku kad i sami naučnici česticu koju traže nazivaju božanskom česticom.

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 21:20:56 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 01.10.2004. 13:34:36
Postovi: 1739
Lokacija: Beograd
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
Traze oni mnogo sto-sta, a sta god da otkriju nikako nece ici u prilog ni jednoj religiji :)

N.N. je napisao:
Sa koliko velikom nulom treba pomnožiti beskonačnost da tu beskonačnost svedete na konstantu?

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PostPoslato: 10.09.2008. 21:37:34 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 08.08.2005. 12:52:36
Postovi: 4863
Lokacija: coyote's nest
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: ME
jedino ako sudar cestica proizvede rebro. onda se moze diskutovati ::D

volela bi' da se malo vise razumem u sve ove price, pa da skontam poentu ispita. citala sam o tim cesticama nesto skoro, i nista mi nije bilo jasno sta pokusavaju da dokazu.. uf, evo glava vec boli :P

I've got an idea - an idea so smart that my head would explode if I even began to know what I'm talking about.

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PostPoslato: 11.09.2008. 00:27:54 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 03.10.2003. 13:33:49
Postovi: 754
Lokacija: u prolazu
Godina: Dipl.
Smer: IS
^Evo za tebe i sve druge koje interesuje sta je dodjavola Large Hadron Collider i cemu to sluzi (a uz to i ne radi):
-Blog sa b92 - Bice skoro propast sveta?! :)
-Odgovori jednog od naucnika u CERN-u, prilicno jasni i nama koji smo zadnji put ucili fiziku u srednjoj skoli, ako i tada... :D

edit: Hm, ovaj prvi link me nesto zeza, ne znam sto nece da ga lepo prikaze, a ne mogu da se bakcem, tako da ako ima neka dobra dusha moderatorska da popravi, nek popravi, a ako ne nikom nista...

"If there are gods, why is the world so full of pain and injustice?"
"Because of men like you."
"There are no men like me. There's only me."

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PostPoslato: 12.09.2008. 23:15:43 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 03.08.2006. 17:37:43
Postovi: 1297
Lokacija: on a horse.
Godina: IV
Smer: IS

vous êtes des animaux

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